Welcome to the Denk family's digital ICU. This is the (unofficial) hub where our family's thoughts and stories are given a little extra oxygen.

Denksingular imperative of denken (German for think); our family name.
ICUintensive care unit; also .icu – the only cheap, available top-level domain for »denk«

Thorsten Denk

Supplies the energy (from photovoltaic), does cool space research, and, most importantly: LOVES CATS!

Timo I. Denk

Likes domain shopping, his violin (making neighbors go to the ICU), and neural networks (artificial and biological ones).

Tanja F. Denk ("Tanne")

Space enthusiast, who likes risking to go to the ICU while rock climbing and dancing like nobody’s watching!

Part of the Denk ICU?

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Cover photo credit: Photo by Alexandru Goman on Unsplash